Members Booking More than Permitted . – 14/05/20

Despite many attempts to inform and advise it seems the simple message isn’t getting through to everyone.

At no stage have we indicated any changes to these restrictions.

Between 13th and 17th May ALL members are restricted to 1 round only.

There are 8 members with bookings for 15th May 2020 that have already played their allotted round for this week.

Rather than naming individuals I would advise those to who this applies that tomorrows booking will be deleted and you will not be eligible to play.

Tomorrows car park volunteer  will be provided with a list of names. You will not be allowed to play.

After only 2 days of offering  a safe organised golfing environment this is particularly disappointing to see when the vast majority of members have been understanding of the situation and acknowledging the bigger picture we as a club are trying to promote.

As has been documented earlier today the Covid19 sub committee will sit to review the reopening process on Saturday 16th May .

A bit of patience and perspective from us all will help as we attempt to run under significant restrictions on course capacity.

Ian Cassap

Competition Secretary